PREMIER - Aston Villa, Steven Gerrard wins on his debut

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Good first for Steven Gerrard driving Aston Villa. First game as a manager in the Premier League and first success against Brighton. Particular emotions for the former Rangers who lived the whole match with great trepidation, also wonderful for his exultations after the Villans goals.

As reported by the BBC, Gerrard explained the reason for his 'living intensely' the race: "I will always be as authentic as possible on the bench. You can also see that in the way I celebrated. If you look at how I experienced the race. Well, my exultation after goals is like my medicine. That something you miss when you stop playing. Coaching is emotion and I will always live it like this. "

And in fact, Gerrard's race after Watkins 'goal and the subsequent one after Mings' goal which sanctioned his first triumph as manager in the Premier League are the confirmation that the Englishman still lives the field as if he had never stopped. of playing...

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