PREMIER - Lampard wants to go back to coaching: he studies Atalanta

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Frank Lampard is ready to get back in the game and return to the leadership of a team. The coach is still waiting for the right opportunity to return to the bench after the painful sacking from Chelsea. The former midfielder has been in talks with Crystal Palace and Norwich who, however, then preferred to go in other directions by choosing Patrick Vieira and Dean Smith. According to The Telegraph, Lampard is making the most of his free time at the moment. How? Studying and inquiring about the teams that are most prominent.

Specifically, explains the tabloid, the former English star would study several European teams and would have fallen in love with Atalanta's game and style in particular, which he considers "very interesting". Among other passions, even if in this case it is not about style of play in football, Lampard would be following the NBA very closely and specifically would often be spending his free time talking to famous coaches such as Steve Kerr.

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