PREMIER - West Ham boss Moyes: "My boys have been terrific"

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Speaking up the day before facing Manchester City, on City of Manchester Stadium ground, West Ham manager, David Moyes, stated:

"The spirit and the mentality of our players is huge, it really is, and they’ve changed dramatically. We’ve got a lot of players who have played at a really high level, who have played for their countries, we’ve got young players on the up, we’ve got senior players who are experiencing some of the best moments in their career.

So there’s a whole group of us, and I include myself and my staff in that, who are seeing it as a real challenge and something we went to hang on to. We’re enjoying it,. But I’ve got to be honest, I wish [we were saying this] after 35 games of the season and with only one or two games to go, because it would mean we were much closer to being at the top end of the league or maybe qualifying for a final of a cup.

I have to give great credit to the players, they’ve been terrific.

I watched Manchester City’s game against Paris St Germain on Wednesday and it was an incredible game of football, probably one of the best I’ve seen in a long time. The standards, the levels were up there with anything we’ve seen.


Mick [Antonio] will probably cause them different problems than Messi would do, but I think Manchester City have shown exactly what they are.

Everyone is trying to aspire to be at the level of Manchester City, but that takes time and I don’t think you can do it immediately. I don’t think Manchester City have done it immediately. 

They’ve taken a long period [to build] and they’ve got a great team and a great manager as well".

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