Alexis Sanchez, Mesut Ozil won't leave Arsenal in January - Arsene Wenger

Published on: 28 November 2017

Arsene Wenger reveals illness is likely to keep Mesut Ozil out of Arsenal's midweek clash against Huddersfield.

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has said he has no intention of cashing in on Alexis Sanchez or Mesut Ozil in January.

Sanchez and Ozil are both out of contract next summer and recent reports have suggested that Arsenal could look to sell the pair in the winter transfer window to recoup some money on them.

Paris Saint-Germain have been linked with a January swoop for Sanchez, while reports have claimed Barcelona want to sign Ozil when the transfer window opens.

But Wenger told a news conference: "For me, they stay until the end of the season."

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