Baba Yara Stadium and Accra Sports Stadium pitches must be upgraded - Augustine Ahinful

Published on: 14 June 2024
Baba Yara Stadium and Accra Sports Stadium pitches must be upgraded - Augustine Ahinful
Augustine Ahinful

Former Black Stars striker, Augustine Ahinful has emphasized the urgent need for pitch improvements at Ghana's Baba Yara Stadium and Accra Sports Stadium.

Both venues have failed to meet the standards set by CAF and FIFA, rendering them unfit to host international matches.

Following the Black Stars' thrilling 4-3 victory over Central African Republic at the Baba Yara Stadium, Arhinful spoke to Citi Sports, stressing the importance of having high-quality playing surfaces at Ghana's premier stadiums.

"I believe it’s the right call. If we can replace the entire grass on these pitches and ensure proper maintenance, particularly at Baba Yara Stadium in Kumasi and Accra Sports Stadium, we will consistently be in a good position," he commented.

Arhinful also expressed concerns about the pitch conditions at the University of Ghana Stadium, highlighting the broader need for improvements across multiple venues in the country.
