Bechem United Striker Hafiz Konkoni goes AWOL

Published on: 31 January 2019




CChief Executive Officer (CEO) of Bechem United Prof.Nana

Kwasi Darlying has disclosed that his outfit are seriously searching for their goal poacher Konkoni Hafiz.

According to Nana Darlying, the budding striker is nowhere to be found despite few days for the kickoff of Ghana FA Normalization Committee Special Football Competition. He added that, the general public should alert the Bechem based side of his whereabouts if found.

“Hafiz Konkoni is not available and we Bechem United don’t know his whereabouts".

"We are still in search of him so in case anybody finds him, the person should alert the club”, he told Metro FM in Kumasi.

Hafiz Konkoni joined Bechem United from Bolga All-Stars in the 2016/2017 season after a successful season with the East club.

He was the club leading goal scorer with seven(7) goals and a joint top goal king in the truncated 2017/18 GPL season.

Story by Kolog Bonaventure
