George Weah warned me Right to Dream project would fail if I focused on making profit - Tom Vernon

Published on: 14 June 2024

Tom Vernon, the founder of the Right to Dream Academy, has disclosed how former Liberia president and football legend George Weah cautioned him against focusing on personal gains in his endeavor.

Speaking of his close relationship with Weah, Vernon emphasized the profound impact of Weah's advice on the academy's guiding principles.

Vernon reminisced about Weah's personal involvement with the academy, highlighting the significant influence of the football icon.

Recounting a pivotal conversation with Weah, Vernon recalled the striking advice he received.

“George Weah got closest to me, and for some reason, he took a liking to me, and then he used to come and train at the old academy with the boys,” he told Joy Sports.

“In those times, Ajax and Feyenoord were the big academies in Ghana.

“He [Weah] asked me, Tom, one day, 'What are you trying to achieve?' I said, 'I want to have an academy like that,' he said, 'Then you're going to fail.' I asked why, and he said, 'Because they're not here for Ghana.'

“That's the most pertinent thing anybody's ever said to me, and I asked him what the meaning is, he said, 'You have to find something which is really here for Ghana.'”

Tom Vernon has now stepped down as Right to Dream CEO but still plays a role at the board level.
