Jerome Otchere writes: Atsu’s legacy lives on

Published on: 30 June 2023
Jerome Otchere writes: Atsu’s legacy lives on
A section of the colourful Christian Atsu Educational Centre at Senya Beraku. Credit: Gary Al-Smith

He died under tragic circumstances. It was so horrific that you would not wish that on a sworn enemy talk less of the young, kind-hearted Christian Atsu, who passed away on the 6th of February 2023, in the catastrophic earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria.

Atsu played for Hatayspor in Antakya, Hatay Province, one of the areas badly hit by the earthquake. Ghana was caught by anxiety as rescuers in Turkey worked around the clock to retrieve bodies trapped under heaps of concrete rubble.

Mother Ghana fervently prayed that her son, Christian Atsu, would be found unscathed to tell what would have been an unimaginably great survival story. Yet as fate would have it grief enveloped us as Atsu’s death was confirmed days later.

Deep feelings of sorrow were expressed by his former clubs, teammates, friends and family, those who knew him and those who neither knew him nor met him. His generosity touched lives, thus forming a big part of the hordes of tribute paid to him.

The plethora of charity works Atsu was undertaking were painfully truncated but not the construction of his school project, the Christian Atsu Educational Centre for Orphans at Senya Beraku, Central Region. The nine-unit block was commissioned this week under the auspices of Arms Around the Child and Becky’s Foundation after receiving donor support from Atsu’s former clubs and benevolent individuals.

Atsu did not see the completion and opening of his magnificent project. The seed he planted has however been taken care of. His legacy stays intact. It should be possible for us, especially those who are financially endowed to give generously to those in genuine need as Atsu did and indeed, as others have done to support his project.

Many thanks must go to all who contributed to making Atsu’s dream a reality. Atsu was kind to humanity and humanity has reciprocated his kindness. He gave willingly and bountifully without holding back to those in dire need. That is how lovely life can be. Now, may the managers of the facility keep it well and continue to bring help to every child that comes their way at the educational centre.